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Guide to Updating your Profile

1. Log in to the AWS website

2. Click on your name to access your profile.

3. On your profile page, click on the "Edit profile" button 

4. In Edit Profile mode, there is a Save and Cancel button at the top and bottom of the page. Be sure to save any changes you make!

Below the Save button at the top of the page, there are links to the three tabs of options:

    • Profile - set information for your profile, including GDPR and Club Rules consent.
    • Privacy - set what other members can see about you.
    • Email Subscriptions - opt in or out of emails sent by the system. 

Several profile questions are mandatory - you must accept them to be a member of the club.

5. Profile Information

Ensure your personal information is correct. Update anything that needs to be changed or added.

You can upload a photo of yourself and provide a short biography if you would like to.

Your profile contains several consents that need to be reviewed and accepted to be a member of AWS. These consents are about GDPR, allowing AWS to process your membership and contact information, and acceptance of AWS by-laws, code of conduct, and activity waivers. 

AWS also requests some non-identify-able demographic information to assist the club in gathering statistics.

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6. Privacy Information

This section controls what information from your profile is shared by the system - on the website or on the mobile app. 

You can set permissions to anybody (this includes anonymous or public visitors), Members (must be logged in to see anything), or No Access, in which case your information will not be visible to anyone but yourself or administrators.

7. Email Subscriptions

Email preferences should be set to the first option "I agree to receive emails..." If not agreed, the system will prevent any emails, including registration confirmations and payment receipts from being sent.

8. Save your changes!

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